Listar Ponencias / Comunicaciones de congresos GICAP por Materia/Asignatura "Informática"
Mostrando ítems 1-14 de 14
AI for Modelling the Laser Milling of Copper Components
(2008, Springer Nature)Contribución a congreso -
BLASSO: integration of biological knowledge into a regularized linear model
(2018, Springer Nature)Contribución a congreso -
Collaborative agents for drilling optimisation tasks using an unsupervised connectionist model
(2005, Universidad de León. Servicio de Publicaciones)Contribución a congreso -
A Comparison of AI-Enabled Techniques for the Detection of Attacks in IoT Devices
(2024-11, Springer)Contribución a congreso -
Complications Detection in Treatment for Bacterial Endocarditis
(2011, Springer Nature)Capítulo de monografía; Contribución a congreso -
Conventional Methods and AI models for Solving an Industrial an Industrial Problem
(2008-09-16, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE))Contribución a congreso -
A Cooperative Unsupervised Connectionist Model to Identify the Optimal Conditions of a Pneumatic Drill
(2005, Springer Nature)Contribución a congreso -
Genetic Algorithms to Simplify Prognosis of Endocarditis
(2011, Springer)Capítulo de monografía; Contribución a congreso -
How blockchain improves the supply chain: case study alimentary supply chain
(2018, Elsevier)Contribución a congreso -
Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings Using Machine Intelligence
(2009, Springer Nature)Capítulo de monografía; Contribución a congreso -
Modelling of Heat Flux in Building Using Soft-Computing Techniques
(2010, Springer Nature)Capítulo de monografía; Contribución a congreso -
Moral Dilemmas and Ethical Conflicts Related to Mobile Applications for Sleep Improvement
(2021, Universidad de La Rioja)Contribución a congreso -
Red de Sensores Inalámbricos de Bajo Consumo Energético en Agricultura Hidropónica
(2017-09)Contribución a congreso -
Software tool for analysis and visualization of GPS tracks in urban environments
(2021-07, Universidad de Burgos. Servicio de Publicaciones e Imagen Institucional)Contribución a congreso