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Study of thermophysical properties of (iodobenzene + alkane) mixtures: from experimentation to molecular interpretation
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13th National and 4th International Conference in Engineering Thermodynamics: conference proceedings; ID814
Universitat Jaume I
Fecha de publicación
Comunicación presentada en: 13th National and 4th International Conference in Engineering Thermodynamics (13CNIT) "Advances in Engineering Thermodynamics: The Key to Sustainable Development" = 13er Congreso Nacional y 4º Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Termodinámica (13CNIT) "Avances en Ingeniería Termodinámica : la clave de un desarrollo sostenible". Jaume I University, Castellón de la Plana (Spain), November 29th, 30th and December 1st, 2023
Aromatic halogenated compounds are used in the manufacturing of Li batteries (Jiang et al. [1]), in medicinal chemistry as antidepressant or drugs to reduce cholesterol (Wilcken et al. [2]; Poleto et al. [3]), and in the pharmaceutical industry due to the halogen bonding that they can form (Müller et al [4]). They are found in urban air arising from fuel combustion emissions (Calvert et al. [5]). Thus, it is interesting to study their thermophysical behavior and get a deeper view into their molecular interactions. (Iodobenzene + n-alkane) systems (heptane, decane, dodecane, tetradecane) were investigated in this work in terms of densities (𝜌), speeds of sound (𝑐) and excess molar enthalpies (𝐻m E) at a pressure (𝑝) of 0.1 MPa and the whole composition range (see Section 2). 𝜌 and 𝑐 were measured in the temperature (𝑇) range (288.15 to 308.15) K, whereas 𝐻m E were determined at 𝑇 = 298.15 K. Common excess properties and 𝑇 derivatives were calculated, correlated, and discussed (see Section 3).
Ingeniería mecánica
Mechanical engineering
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