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dc.contributor.authorHidalgo Argüello, María del Rosario
dc.contributor.authorDíez Baños, Natividad
dc.contributor.authorMartínez Delgado, Angélica
dc.description.abstractSince 1993, the Department of Animal Pathology and Animal Heath at the faculty of Veteiinary Sciences of the University of Łeón has been engaged in research projects on problems affecting the health of wild animals in the National Reserves of the province of León. The reseach is subsidised by the Regional Government of Castilla and León in collaboration with the Environmental Services. In the latest project approved ł›y the CICYT, we study the present situation of the main parasitic infections affecting red deer in tke north- west ceNre and south-west of Spain. Our aim is to determine the vansrnission periods of the species involved and the seasonal Linetics of the infections in order țO ăȘS0S5 łhč anİlYläl5’ Stütč 0f health and esablish the nec- essary control measures Tothis end, SS red deer were shotby agens from the Environment Boaid of the Riaão Regional Hurling Reserve and were taken to the Faculty of Yetennary Sciences at León fcr analysis. Each animal was marked and data were taken on their age, sex, weight and physical condition. Afier an external examination for ectoparasites had been canied out they were skinned and necropsìed and their hides, entrails heads and samples of blood and faeces were collected. The animals were divided into adult dœr (43) and young animals (12), of whi‹żi 40 were female and 15 male. The following parasites were found: Sarcocyst'c cewica‹iis. £ineria e/a/›hi yiw/la ceni, £in›e/ia ›bnsta, Dkiacœliuni dendritinim, Fasciala łiepatica, Spićv/‹pterapia șpío//op/era/lieu/opłerag/a niathen'assiani, Œtenagia /epfos/›icu/aris/Os/e/tagïa to/ćhida, Œtertag/a occidsntalis FricńasłronjpYus axei, Capiliaria bovis, Cooperis pectiriała, Oesopńagosfomvn ænu/¢sum, Trì‹:łiufis globnlasa, Tri‹:livr”c off Di‹fiacaulvs spp., Elaptosfiongylus cei i, Oncliocercafłsxnosa, łfi›adsma spp., la/j«igœtjYa/›/cfa, łipąPfe/›a ceni, tid‹s Iron tke Ixodidade family and Món ezia spp. eggș, in general all with low parasitic loads, Indicating that the dœr carry subdinical infecãona Many of the parasites found in this host ae also common to those of domestic ruminanu which share the same ecosystems.en
dc.publisherUniversidad Complutense de Madrides
dc.relation.ispartofParasitosis de animales silvestres y ambiente sostenible : la interfaz animal silvestre ; animal doméstico = Parasitic diseases of wild animals and sustainable environment : The wild ; domestic animal interface, p. 63-95es
dc.subject.otherEnfermedades parasitarias en animaleses
dc.subject.otherVeterinary parasitologyen
dc.subject.otherRoe deeren
dc.titleParasitic infections in red deer and their repercussions on animal and human health: a study in the north of the province of Leonen

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