Untitled: Envíos recientes
Voici les éléments 561-580 de 2951
Development of an integrated extraction and purification process for the recovery of high-value compounds from onion peels
(2024-10)Contribución a congreso -
Wine experience scale: validating the behavior and motivations of Spanish wine tourists
(2024-02, Emerald)Artículo -
Performance and Risk as Signals for Setting up a Franchised Business
(2013-05, Bradley University. The Turner School of Entrepreneurship and InnovationMiddle Tennessee State University. Walker Library. Digital Scholarship Initaitives)Artículo -
Franchise fairs: A relevant signal in franchise choice in social activity
(2016-09, University of Finance and Management in Warsaw)Artículo -
Dataset of the work "UBU-Polymers Research Group 19022024"
(2024-10-07, Universidad de Burgos)Dataset -
El microrrelato hipermedial como recurso didáctico innovador. Nuevas perspectivas de enfoque
(2023-01-09, Tirant lo Blanch)Capítulo de monografía -
Boundary objects: sustainability reporting and the production of organizational stability
(2024-09, Emerald)Artículo -
Fractionation and refining of pectic oligosaccharides derived from onion skins through continuous feed diafiltration
(2024-08, Elsevier)Artículo -
Green fractionation and hydrolysis of fish meal to improve their techno-functional properties
(2024-09, Elsevier)Artículo -
Evaluation of subcritical water reaction media for an efficient conversion of the polysaccharide fraction to lactic acid by Ca(OH)2 catalysis
(2024-07)Contribución a congreso -
Cascade approach to valorize soybean by-product by using subcritical water. First step: bioactive compounds
(2024-07)Contribución a congreso -
Corn stover biorefinery based on hydrothermal and membrane processes
(2024-07)Contribución a congreso -
Consumo sostenible y transición ecológica. La acción normativa de la Unión Europea contra el greenwashing
(2024-06, Universidad de Valladolid. Instituto de Estudios Europeos)Artículo