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New ways to evaluate learning. Assessing teamwork using TPM and a Poka-Yoke design
Universitat Politécnica de Valencia
Fecha de publicación
Trabajo presentado en: 2nd International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd’16. 2016. Valencia
In this paper we present a hands-on experiment for measuring learning
through teamwork applied to solving a real problem.
The experiment is part of the Production Systems course and involves
designing a Poka-Yoke, but not theoretically, as is usually the case, rather an
actual working mechanism. To this end, a practical problem is proposed for
which a physical machine has to be designed to solve the problem. As part of
the same exercise, a TPM is developed, also applied to a real case, such as
assembling a bicycle.
In the case of the Poka-Yoke, two simultaneous objectives are pursued: to
avoid a defective product, and to maximize the production per unit time. The
final score is assigned based on a measurement of these two parameters.
Once the exercise is assigned, the teamwork is verified to be measured
efficiently, even when the number of students is high. The physical design of
the elements, as well as the simultaneous engagement by all the students in the exercise, served to considerably raise the motivation of the students.
Palabras clave
Cross-disciplinary skills.
production system
Enseñanza superior
Education, Higher
Versión del editor
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