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Academic entrepreneurship assessment model in Iranian sport science faculties
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SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte. 2024, V. 13
Universidad de Murcia. Servicio de Publicaciones
Fecha de publicación
Sports science faculties need to incorporate various activities that have not previously existed in their traditional functions to become innovative and entrepreneurial. For this reason, an effective model should be designed and developed to evaluate the facilitation of entrepreneurial research, the independence of faculties, the development of their relationships, and the application of sports science. Therefore, due to the importance of this issue, the purpose of this research was to design a model for evaluating academic entrepreneurship in sport science faculties of Iran. Using snowball sampling and based on the theoretical adequacy of the research, 13 participants were interviewed. The grounded theory was used to analyze the categories and indicators affecting the academic entrepreneurship assessment process. Charmaz's Grounded Theory approach was used to analyze data. The findings include four categories of requirements, enablers, activities, and consequences, for which 19 sub-categories were identified. The results can be used to evaluate, rank, and compare the entrepreneurial activities of academic actors, managers, and majors in sports science, as well as allocated grants and credits to units associated with academic entrepreneurship and commercialization.
Palabras clave
Sport Science
Enseñanza superior
Education, Higher
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