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Transient simulation of the influence of wind conditions on the airtightness of windows. A case study for a tertiary building
Fecha de publicación
Comunicación presentada en: International conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2017), 2-6 July 2017, San Diego State University (USA).
Esta comunicación no se incluyo en el libro que editaron del Congreso
Achieving a reasonable level of airtightness is important for the energy efficiency of living spaces and the
comfort of occupants. The benefits of improved insulation levels and more energy efficient heating systems
are lost if warm air can leak out of a building and cold air can leak in. Poor airtightness can be responsible
for up to 40% of heat loss from buildings. Airtight buildings require airtight windows. Airtightness of windows
is often evaluated in lab conditions in the context of initial type testing. Testing methods can be found in
several international standards, leading to airtightness classifications of windows for building codes. The
level of airtightness achieved is measured as air permeability, as the quantity of air that leaks into or out of
the window per hour. Airtightness of windows is typically expressed per meter opening joint or per square
meter. Nevertheless, airtightness of window is highly sensitive with respect to wind conditions, mostly speed
and direction. Increased attention to energy efficiency and airtightness of buildings has led to more research
on the performance of windows, and can be estimated by appropriate simulation. This work presents a case
study of the influence of wind speed and direction on the thermal load of a tertiary building due to leakage
through windows. Transient simulation by means of Transient System Simulation (TRNSYS) package is
presented. Results are analyzed as a function of standardized window type. Besides, relative influence of the
internal layers of the façade on the thermal load of the building is studied. Three alternative cases of high
thermal inertia are compared with the existing one with low thermal inertia.
Palabras clave
Energy efficiency
Thermal Inertia
Electrical engineering
Ingeniería mecánica
Mechanical engineering
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